Who To Watch: Tom Wiley

During Tom Wiley’s wife’s (and thus his family’s) two year struggle with breast cancer one day really shined - December 5th.

“I woke up and there she was - making pancakes, and the first thing she told me was how good she felt,” Wiley told HEC Media. “We didn’t talk about cancer, we just had this day filled with small little moments.”

Unfortunately, the good day didn’t last, and after his wife’s passing he often thought about that one day. Wiley decided to honor his wife by trying to give other families fighting cancer that one great day.

The December 5th Fund was born.

While the family chosen is out enjoying their day together, a team of local volunteers and businesses from across the city spring to motion to make sure the family comes home to a pleasant and stress-free surprise.

That surprise could be any number of things - a gorgeous yard, a clean house, small household chores that suddenly turn into mountains when focusing on caring for a family member with cancer completed. Some combination of ideas that makes their home environment better for longer even than just that one day.

Learn more about Tom Wiley and his organization in this segment from HEC Media.