Spotlight On St. Louis

We’re beer. We’re baseball. 

We’re more “firsts” than we or most of the world recognize. We’re our inferiority complex, our civic pride. 

We’re a down-to-earth people who generally believe in free attractions and taking care of each other, but who have a history of sweeping our problems under the rug rather than deal with them. That’s changing. Our love-hate relationship with our city isn’t.

We’re Imo’s and provel and t-ravs and gooey butter cake. We’re Lindbergh and the 1904 World’s Fair and Annie Malone and Pruitt–Igoe.

We still clap when David Freese comes to the plate, even though he hasn’t been a Cardinal since 2013, and we revel in the now Los Angeles Rams woes.

We’re Ferguson and Dred Scott, “Widow” Chouteau and Martha Gelhorn. We’re fish fries, single-gender Catholic schools and Pulitzer-prize winning authors. We’re failing schools and the founder of Kindergarten.

We’re the city and the county, The Hill and Little Bosnia, East St. Louis and Ladue.

We’re Midwestern. Complex. Challenging.

We’re so much more than flyover country.

Copyright © Amanda Honigfort, 2018